It Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

Feeling Overwhelmed and Stuck?

At Two Rivers Therapy & Consulting, we provide kind and effective mental health support. We serve in Fort Collins, Loveland, and Windsor, Colorado. Our mission is to help you navigate life's challenges. You will find clarity and achieve the mental wellness you deserve. We are here to guide you if you're struggling with depression, anxiety, or trauma.

We believe in your potential and are committed to helping you achieve your dreams. Our personalized therapy approach creates a safe and supportive space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and goals. Let us help you unlock your inner strength and live the life you've always envisioned.

Depression can make everyday life feel like an uphill battle. It can leave you feeling alone and hopeless and unable to enjoy the things you once loved. It's a heavy burden. It hurts not only your emotions but also your relationships, career, and life.

You are not alone.

We understand the unique challenges faced by millennial women and teens. We know how hard it can be to reach out for help, and we're here to make that first step as easy as possible. You don't have to face this alone. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Your Path to Healing Starts Here: Therapists Who Help

Hi, I'm Ann Robinson (she/her)! I specialize in helping millennial women navigate the highs and lows of depression. With a master’s in social work and a knack for blending humor with healing, I strive to make therapy feel like a conversation with a trusted friend. My eclectic approach combines psychodynamic approaches, internal family systems, mindfulness, and EMDR to create personalized strategies that truly resonate with each client.

When I'm not in the office, you’ll find me sipping on a dirty chai, lost in a good book, or trying to keep up with Taylor Swift's latest hits    (I’d identify as a closeted Swiftie)!

Hello! I'm Kristen Dingwall, a licensed clinical social worker passionate about helping women overcome depression. My therapeutic style is warm, interactive, and solution-focused, using techniques from DBT and ACT to help you find balance and serenity. I believe in the power of self-compassion and resilience, guiding you through your journey with empathy and a sprinkle of humor.

When I'm not in sessions, you can find me hiking the beautiful Colorado trails with my dog, Luna, or binge-watching my comfort show, Friends!

Hey! I'm Corina Miller, a certified addiction specialist and a master’s in social work candidate. I'm dedicated to making therapy a supportive and enriching experience for those dealing with depression. I utilize cutting-edge approaches to help clients heal from within, creating a safe, judgment-free space to explore feelings and develop practical coping strategies.

Outside of work, I’m either trying to keep my houseplants alive or planning my next adventure to an unexplored corner of the world. And yes, I'm totally obsessed with dogs—so don’t be surprised if I ask about your furry friends!

Hi! I'm Heather Madigan, a licensed clinical social worker. Whether you’re searching for purpose, identifying personal values and goals, or if the demands of modern day life have left you feeling anxious and unproductive, I know there is a way forward.  am committed to creating a space where we can explore the impact of past wounds and trauma, identity, values, and life transitions, and develop (and maintain) new skills that center your personal growth in the work. 

Outside of the office, I can be found walking behind my two rescue dogs, Kota and Olive. I love to get lost in mystery and crime novels, take on too many DIY projects that are rarely completed, and camp during warm weather.

  • “Two Rivers Therapy & Consulting truly understands the struggles of depression. My therapist’s empathy and tailored strategies have been instrumental in my journey towards recovery. I've gained invaluable tools and insights to help me navigate life's challenges.”

  • “Starting therapy at Two Rivers was the best decision I’ve ever made. The compassionate care and practical advice I received have transformed my outlook on life. I now have a clearer path to happiness and well-being.”

  • “Two Rivers Therapy & Consulting has been a lifesaver. My therapist understands me and has helped me find hope again. I feel more empowered to manage my depression and live a fulfilling life.”

Common Signs of Depression

We all feel sad, moody, or low sometimes; it’s a normal part of life. If these feelings come and stay for more than 2 weeks, it might be a sign that you have depression. Depression affects over 40% of Coloradoans. It's a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health. It’s important to know that it is treatable, and it’s worth talking to someone about it.

When to seek support for depression

Depression affects how you feel about yourself. It can make life more difficult to manage from day to day. You might lose interest in things you usually enjoy.

You may lack energy, have trouble sleeping, or sleep more than usual. Some people feel irritable, and some find it hard to concentrate.

What does depression feel like?

Everyone experiences depression differently. However, different types of depression have particular symptoms. They may also appear at different times. For example, postpartum depression appears during childbirth, while seasonal affective disorder appears during winter (for most) and summer (for some).

Some are talked about more often than others. You might have heard of clinical depression and bipolar. Types such as cyclothymic disorder and dysthymic disorder aren’t mentioned as frequently.

Sometimes, we use different names for the same type of depression. For example, clinical depression is also called major depressive disorder.

  • ✔️ overwhelmed or indecisive

    ✔️ guilty

    ✔️ irritable or frustrated

    ✔️ lacking in confidence

    ✔️ unhappy or disappointed

    ✔️ miserable or sad

  • ✔️ feeling tired all the time

    ✔️ feeling sick and run down

    ✔️ headaches and muscle pains

    ✔️ stomach pain, butterflies, or churning gut

    ✔️ sleep problems

    ✔️ loss or change of appetite

    ✔️ significant weight loss or gain

  • ✔️ 'I’m a failure.'

    ✔️ 'It’s my fault.'

    ✔️ 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'

    ✔️ 'I’m worthless.'

    ✔️ 'Life’s not worth living.'

    ✔️ 'People would be better off without me.'

  • ✔️ persistent worries or unusual fears

    ✔️ sadness and feelings of hopelessness that don’t go away

    ✔️ being overly critical of themselves or others

    ✔️ avoiding particular situations

    ✔️ avoiding friends or family and wanting to be alone most of the time

    ✔️ refusing to go to school regularly

    ✔️ inability to get along with other children or peer group

    ✔️ noticeable disinterest or decline in school performance

    ✔️ frequent aggressive reactions

    ✔️ frequent, unexplained temper tantrums

    ✔️ hyperactive behavior or constant movement

    ✔️ restrictive or inflexible eating

    ✔️ difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep

    ✔️ physical complaints (unexplained aches and pains)

    ✔️ difficulties with concentration, attention, and organization

    ✔️ showing a desire to hurt themself or hurting themself.

Drop us a line

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